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Sunday In Person Worship - 10:30 AM 

We are excited to announce that we have decided to cautiously return to live worship at church in our building!  While we are very eager to be back together in person, we are proceeding with certain safety measures in place and with concern for your safety.


Our first service in the building will be Father's Day, June 21st at 10:30 am!


Please note the following...


1.  Our seating capacity is limited to 50 people total in the Sanctuary.  This is what our space will allow with six feet distancing and pews.


2.  We are going to use a reservation system through Flocknote so we can know how many people to expect. (See below for info on how to reserve seats) 


3.  We will continue our live stream also!  If you're not ready to be in a crowd yet, that's okay.  Join us every Sunday at 10:30 for the same sermon that we'll be having in live church.


4.  The building will be sanitized thoroughly weekly, along with the bathrooms, doors and doorhandles.


5.  The sanctuary will look a little different. It has six foot areas taped off on the floor as well as the pews.  Please observe these six foot spaces as you move around the sanctuary.


6.  Masks are requested but not required.


7.  Communion will be pre-prepared and in your pew.  Those preparing communion will wear masks and gloves.


8.  Finally, there will be no live Sunday school, no donuts and no coffee, but you are welcome to bring your own coffee!  Sunday school will continue live on Zoom with Larry at 9:00 AM. If you're not zooming with Larry, you're missing a treat!


There will be some other changes we will have to observe out of concern for our health, but we look forward to being back together this coming Father's Day!


If you have questions or suggestions, please contact Bob or Pat. 

Reserving Seats for Sunday Morning Worship

As mentioned above, we are limited in how many people we can hold in our sanctuary at one time. This is causing us to use a reservation service at this time to ensure we do not go over capacity. 

If you would like to reserve a seat/see how many we have available, please click here

All you have to do is select how many people you're reserving for! 

Flocknote will email you a confirmation that your spot has been reserved so you will need to enter an email on their website. 

We look forward to being in person once again!

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